Exporting the Model
The AutoCAD DWG model can be harvested into a more widely compatible format that can be viewed in various 3D viewers. To do that, we selected all the faces of our model, and used the LIST command within AutoCAD to obtain a list of all the selected elements with their properties. In this list, 3dfaces are written in terms of their vertices. This file is then fed through a C++ program written by Olivier Koch, which outputs 3 filesfaces, edges, and vertices in a format that can be read by 3D viewers.
The procedure to do this is as follows:
1. Got to Tools->Options -> "open and save" tab
2. Check the 'maintain a log' box
3. Then go to the "Files" tab and specify the directory of the log file.
4. Press okay.
5. Select all the faces and then type 'list' on the command prompt.