An As-Built 3D CAD Model of the Stata Center

06/27/07 & 07/11/07

The past two weeks I have to working to complete the model of studentstreet.
I have modeled all the hangingthings except 1.
All the overhead walkways and stairs on the northeast side.
All the nonplanar ceilings.

What's left to model are the the overhead stairs in the stata help desk area, remaining ceilings and floors, and some parts by the stata cafe.

The majority of it is done, by the middle of next week, student street should hopefully be complete.

I also spend the majority of a day last Thursday fix the detailed windows I modeled during the school term. (They were not manifold. ) And I made stock windows for future use.
Overhead staircase

Northeast section without ceiling (a lot of time was spent modeling this part, especially the blue section in upper left corner of this picture. The blue is curved patio? the overhanging stairs and the walkways lead too, and also a sort of overhead 'lookout' in a strange geometry.)

Stock Windows that are manifold and can fit together

I will try to finish student street completely and then spend more time making a more detailed log entry (with more picture and also walkthrough of the model.) Also I will align and merge studentstreet.dwg and FP_01.dwg together (being that they are pretty much the same floor) next week.