The goal of this project is to develop an organic indoor location discovery service, such that a mobile user with a wifi-enabled device can discover her/his location to roughly room granularity.
Project Lead: Prof. Seth Teller
Collaborators: Jonathan Ledlie (Nokia Research); Dorothy Curtis; Jamey Hicks (Nokia Research); Einat Minkov
Students: Jun-geun Park; Yoni Battat; Ben Charrow; David Lambeth; Dwayne Reeves; Russell Ryan; Ami Patel; Maria Frendberg
Jun-geun Park, Ami Patel, Dorothy Curtis, Jonathan Ledlie, Seth Teller
Proc. 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2012), 2012
Jonathan Ledlie, Jun-geun Park, Dorothy Curtis, André Cavalcante, Leonardo Camara, Robson Vieira
Proc. International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN '11), 2011
Jun-geun Park, Dorothy Curtis, Seth Teller, Jonathan Ledlie
Proc. the 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM '11), pp.3182 - 3190, 2011
Einat Minkov, Ben Charrow, Jonathan Ledlie, Seth Teller, Tommi Jaakkola
Proc. 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '10)
Jun-geun Park, Ben Charrow, Jonathan Battat, Dorothy Curtis, Einat Minkov, Jamey Hicks, Seth Teller, Jonathan Ledlie
Proc. 8th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys '10), pp.271 - 284, 2010
Seth Teller, Jonathan Battat, Ben Charrow, Dorothy Curtis, Russell Ryan, Jonathan Ledlie, Jamey Hicks
MIT CSAIL Technical Report, MIT-CSAIL-TR-2008-075, 2008
The dataset used in Implications of Device Diversity for Organic Localization (INFOCOM '11) can be downloaded from here (970kB). This dataset contains 802.11 RF-scans from six heterogeneous devices for 18 locations.
The dataset used in Online Pose Classification and
Walking Speed Estimation using Handheld Devices is
available here
(47MB). This dataset includes three rounds of experiments
from 16 participants, capturing acceleration data
with a handheld device.
We are grateful to Nokia Research Center for supplying WiFi-enabled phones as test devices for this project.